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Franchise Disclosure Document

Franchise Disclosure demystified: understanding the FDD

As someone interested in working with a Franchise model, you've undoubtedly come across the terms Franchise Disclosure or Franchise Disclosure Document before. Look on any Franchising website and you'll see it as one of their 10-step 'own your own location' processes, or ask any Franchising team member the question 'how much money can I make' and FDD will undoubtedly come up in their long and winding answer. 

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Franchising defined: The ultimate 'Franchising for Dummies' guide

You've likely heard the term before, but do you really understand what 'Franchising' means? On top of that, what do all of the other related terms mean; who's the Franchisor, who's the Franchisee, what's a royalty, etc.? Don't feel bad if you're not up to speed on the lingo, most people aren't. In fact, although Franchising can be an incredible opportunity for people, most people don't really know much about this model other than that some pretty big restaurant brands use it. That's why in this article we're going to boil it right down for you. Regardless of what level of understanding you're starting from, this guide will give you the understanding you need to identify if the franchising model is one you should be taking a closer look at.

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Why franchises are attractive for Franchisees

Almost everyone who considers Franchising asks themselves the question at one point or another, should I join a Franchise or should I make my own brand? While the true answer to that question involves both looking inwards as well as out to what's available, in this article we'll highlight a list of some of the top external factors that make Franchises attractive for Franchisees.  

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